Pin Jack Type Actuator

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Pin Jack Type Actuator

  • It is possible to select among 2ton, 3ton, 5ton, 7.5ton, 10ton, and 15ton capacity.
  • Applied to the lifting device of medium/large sluice gates such as river embankments, reservoirs, drainage channels, and pumping stations.
  • It can be used for both electric and manual use, and it exhibits fast lifting speed and powerful lifting ability.
  • Safer operation is possible by installing three safety devices (handbrake, footbrake, electromagnetic brake) and a shock absorber in the ACK-BAR in the lifting device.

Main part material

No. Part Name Material
1 Main Gear Box ASS'Y
2 Side Gear Box ASS'Y
3 Electric Motor PUR'
4 Reducer PUR'
5 Electric/Manual Switching Device ASS'Y
6 Hand Brake ASS'Y
7 Foot Brake ASS'Y
8 Centrifugal Brake ASS'Y
9 Indicator ASS'Y
10 Lifting Device Base SS 400
11 RACK-BAR SS 400

※ Other materials can be applied according to the customer's request.

External dimensions

Pin Jack Dimensions / Unit : ㎜
Lifting ability Pin JACK Type Hoisting ability Efficiency Hoisting speed
Manual power Self-weight drop
2 Ton (Single) 800 400 600 200 SHP 2000 2 0.8573 21.5 9.1 3.61
3 Ton (Single) 1505 430 560 215 430 520 SHP 300 3 0.8573 15.6 9.53 3.24
5 Ton (Double) 2065 430 560 1400 215 430 520 SHPW 5000 5 0.8573 11.4 9.54 3.19
7.5 Ton (Double) 2390 520 590 1800 245 485 530 SHPW 5000 7.5 0.8145 6.9 9.31 2.76
10 Ton (Double) SHPW 5000 10 0.8145 4.4 9.9 2.55


Head Office / First Factory
71, Gukgasandan-daero 28-gil, Guji-myeon, Dalseong-gun, Daegu, 43008, Rep. of KOREA
Tel. +82-53-617-2332
Fax. +82-53-617-2334
Second Factory
26-5, Gukgasandandong-ro 42-gil, Guji-myeon, Dalseong-gun, Daegu, 43008, Rep. of KOREA
Tel. +53-617-2003
Fax. +53-617-2077

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