Cast Iron Sluice Gate (Square) / Stainless Steel Sluice Gate (Square)

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Cast Iron Sluice Gate (Square) / Stainless Steel Sluice Gate (Square)

  • W300 × H300 ~ W3,000 × H3,000 (㎜)
  • According to customer's request, it is possible to manufacture large diameters with a nominal diameter of W3,000 × H3,000㎜ or more.
  • It is used for the inlet and outlet of water/sewage, irrigation, purification plants, etc., and has a simple structure and easy operation. It is corrosion-resistant and very strong, so it can operate precisely and accurately, and is safe even at high water pressure.
  • Electric and manual operation are available.
  • Although the production material is the same, it is also called a four-way sluice gate or a water intake tower sluice gate depending on the use.

Main part material

No. Part Name Material KS
1 Body Ductile Cast lron
Stainless Steel
GCD 450
Stainless Steel
Steel Structure SS 400
2 Disk Ductile Cast Iron
Stainless Steel
GCD 450
Stainless Steel
Steel Structure SS 400
3 Seat Bronze Casting
Stainless Steel
BC 6, STS 304, 316, 316L
4 Stem Stainless Steel STS 304, 316, 316L

※ Other materials can be applied according to the customer's request.

External dimensions

Sluice Gate(square) Dimensions (300㎜ ~ 500㎜) / Unit : ㎜
W × H h1 h2 h3 h4 X Y L1 L2 L3 F C S T
300×300 110 160 270 540 470 515 215 525 740 30 77 200 15
400×400 128 212 340 680 570 620 265 687 952 33 77 273 15
500×500 200 200 400 800 700 750 330 635 965 40 80 320 13
Sluice Gate(square) Dimensions (600㎜ ~ 900㎜) / Unit : ㎜
W × H h1 h2 h3 h4 X Y L1 L2 L3 F C S T
600 × 600 300 300 400 1000 830 880 385 735 1120 50 90 375 15
700 × 700 350 350 450 1150 940 1000 445 835 1280 55 105 430 15
800 × 800 400 400 500 1300 1060 1120 500 960 1460 60 100 500 16
900 × 900 450 450 550 1450 1160 1220 560 1060 1620 75 200 590 18
Sluice Gate(square) Dimensions (1,000㎜ ~ 1,200㎜) / Unit : ㎜
W × H h1 h2 h3 h4 X Y L1 L2 L3 F C S T
1000 × 1000 100 400 450 1650 13000 1370 630 1200 1830 80 111 650 20
1100 × 1100 100 450 500 1850 1400 1470 720 1360 2080 80 111 710 20
1200 × 1200 100 500 500 2000 1500 1570 720 1450 2170 80 111 750 20
Sluice Gate(square) Dimensions (1,300㎜ ~ 1,600㎜) / Unit : ㎜
W × H h1 h2 h3 h4 X Y L1 L2 L3 F C S T
1300 × 1300 215 500 500 2270 1600 1670 820 1690 2510 110 116 800 25
1400 × 1400 230 500 500 2440 1700 1770 870 1810 2680 110 116 850 25
1500 × 1500 250 500 650 2650 1800 1870 920 1950 2870 110 116 900 25
1600 × 1600 265 500 650 2770 1900 1970 970 1975 2945 110 116 950 25
Sluice Gate(square) Dimensions (1,700㎜ ~ 2,000㎜) / Unit : ㎜
W × H h1 h2 h3 h4 X Y L1 L2 L3 F C S T
1700 × 1700 425 425 650 2775 2030 2100 1020 1980 3000 125 116 1010 25
1800 × 1800 450 450 700 2950 2130 2200 1070 2105 3175 125 136 1090 25
1900 × 1900 500 500 750 3150 2230 2300 1120 2205 3325 125 140 1150 25
2000 × 2000 500 500 750 3250 2330 2400 1170 2305 3475 125 140 1195 25
Sluice Gate(square) Dimensions (2,100㎜ ~ 2,500㎜) / Unit : ㎜
W × H h1 h2 h3 h4 X Y L1 L2 L3 F C S T
2100 × 2100 525 650 650 3400 2440 2520 1250 2410 3660 125 300 1240 25
2200 × 2200 550 675 675 3550 2540 2620 1300 2510 3810 125 300 1290 25
2300 × 2300 575 700 700 3700 2740 27250 1350 2610 3960 125 300 1370 25
2400 × 2400 600 725 725 3850 2740 2820 1400 2710 4110 125 300 1420 25
2500 × 2500 625 625 750 4000 2840 2020 1450 2810 4260 125 300 1480 25
Sluice Gate(square) Dimensions (2,600㎜ ~ 3,000㎜) / Unit : ㎜
W × H h1 h2 h3 h4 X Y L1 L2 L3 F C S T
2600 × 2600 430 600 600 4380 2940 3020 1500 3150 4650 125 320 1550 25
2700 × 2700 450 630 630 4590 3040 3120 1550 3300 4850 125 320 1600 25
2800 × 2800 465 655 655 4755 3140 3220 1600 3420 5020 125 320 1650 30
2900 × 2900 480 680 680 4920 3240 3320 1650 3540 5190 125 320 1710 30
3000 × 3000 481 700 700 4986 3340 3420 1700 3660 5360 125 320 1760 30


Head Office / First Factory
71, Gukgasandan-daero 28-gil, Guji-myeon, Dalseong-gun, Daegu, 43008, Rep. of KOREA
Tel. +82-53-617-2332
Fax. +82-53-617-2334
Second Factory
26-5, Gukgasandandong-ro 42-gil, Guji-myeon, Dalseong-gun, Daegu, 43008, Rep. of KOREA
Tel. +53-617-2003
Fax. +53-617-2077

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